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Friday, April 6, 2012

Snow Then Robins

Okay, I spoke too soon. Mother Nature didn't like me bragging about our great spring weather. We had a snowstorm on Wednesday night (2 days ago) and we woke up to several inches of wet snow covering everything, and I do mean everything. I couldn't get a signal from our satellite dish so I had to get my boots on, go out on the deck, get up on the picnic table next to the deck railing, then stand on the railing and sweep off the satellite dish. Our huge prickly honeysuckle bush was just down below, daring me to slip off the railing.  Luckily that did not happen!

But the sun soon came up and warmed up all the snow which melted very cooperatively by mid afternoon for the most part.
At one point mid morning as I looked out the computer room window, some birds in a tree near the deck caught my eye. Too big to be sparrows and the flash of red... yahoo, they were robins! there were 7 robins perched in the tree all puffed up to stay warm, looking a little annoyed at the snow covering, as I mentioned, everything.  I have never seem more the 3 or 4 robins at any one time, so I was pretty thrilled.

I used the indoor time to pot up my dahlia tubers which were showing signs of life, long shoots sprouting from some of the tubers. Even my Canna lily, which I had almost left in the ground last fall, was eager to start a new growing season with big shoots showing. Three of my 4 tuberous begonias that I brought inside had sprouted and so had 3 of the glad bulbs that I dug up and brought in. Several of the glad bulbs were going moldy, though. Somehow some water had got into the rubbermaid container that I was storing everything in in our laundry room.  (Could this be the product of my winemaking husband who recently started 2 wine kits at about that same location in the house???  The mystery continues...)

Said pots are now sitting near a sunny window in my living room. They will soon be transfered to my greenhouse, once the weather warms up a bit next week. The daytime temperatures get to about 20C in the greenhouse now just with the heat from the sun. Nights it still gets pretty cool, though and the heater would have to be turned on. Because we are getting company for the Easter weekend, I didn't want to try to start a new routine: remembering to go out and turn the heater on and off, this being my very first spring with my fabulous new cedar green house which was built by my equally fabulous (not new) husband. :D

To Do Next Week:

plant my tomatoes seeds. :)


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