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Monday, January 9, 2012

January Spring

January? Looks and feels more like April

There are actual PUDDLES under the picnic tables on the beach! It's January 9th today (2012). What's up with that!??!?
We have actually had one of the warmest Decembers on record! Most days the temperature was above zero and a few times it was also above zero at night.  I thought that surely by Christmas the cold weather would hit... but no, it didn't! It has continued until today and the forecast is for it to continue for at least a few more days.  We drove to town a few days ago (Jan 4) and the thermometer indicted it was +11C that day.

Not much snow left anymore in the back yard 

We have lost approximately 70% of the big snow fall that we were dumped with in November with almost no precipitation since then.  The trails here at the lake are icy and slick and it feels like the month of April, not january. (I just hope that we won't end up getting January weather in April!)  Apparently the El Nino is responsible for the jet stream hanging over Alberta and causing this balmy weather.

Side yard still has snow as it's more protected by the trees
Right now it's 7 :30 Pm and the temperature is still above zero, +6 C to be exact and the full moon is gorgeous!  The forecast for tomorrow is for cold , a high of only -11C with maybe some snow flurries, but then by the weekend it is supposed to go back up to +2C or +3C daytime...  Will I ever get the chance to cross country ski this winter???

On top of Picnic Hill- Could easily have a picnic there with this beautiful weather!

Even Phoenix, our Arizona Rescue will brave the trails and walk with us now, something that never usually happens in January

Spirit is always ready for a walk, rain snow or shine! :)

Tomorrow we are off to Calgary to see the birth of our long awaited twin grandbabies! I am sooooo excited; I can hardly wait for this long anticipated, most blessed event to take place! I am so ready to start this new chapter of our lives and I look forward to watching ( and participating in) my grandchildren growing up! YAY!
 Love you my two little chickadees and I haven't even met you yet. ♥ ♥