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Monday, April 15, 2013

Spring 2013

Here it is mid April and spring should be springing, but sadly, Old Man Winter seems not to have got that message for some reason.  We still have a HUGE amount of snow on the ground and it seems to want to stick around even yet. Last week we thought that maybe the snow was on its way out since about 2/3 of the snow had melted, but we woke up on Saturday morning (Apr. 13) to a huge snowstorm! The snow had been accumulating in large drifts all night long with even more to come. So disheartening! :(  ðŸ˜¢

On a more cheerful gardening note, I did start planting some things in preparation for spring in the event that it does choose to arrive, sooner or later!

In late March I noticed one of my over-wintered begonia tubers had sprouted so that was the first thing that I potted.  It is about 6 inches tall now  with quite a number of healthy leaves and looking very springish! :)

Little did I realize, in all the hectic Easter prep at the end of March, that some of my dahlia tubers and glad bulbs had sprouted long, long growths in the dark storage container where I was over-wintering them.
On Easter Monday our Easter weekend guests had all left and I had time to plant 4 pots of Dahlias: 2 orange and yellow Firebirds and 2 dark red Thompson Dahlias.
Also on April 1st, I heard the Canada geese outside here at Buffalo lake. The next day, I saw flocks of them flying west towards the lake, although it is still firmly frozen. On April 3rd on the drive home from town I spotted 4 brilliant Mountain Bluebirds at the end of our road and at least 10 male robins! I was so excited! I thought for sure spring is here!  (But Mother nature has a weird sense of humor... 😠!See first paragraph above regarding Snow on April 13.)

Firebird Dahlia

I sure hope these poor song birds didn't freeze to death.  Back to planting.... On April 2nd I dug out my accumulation of various tomato seeds, Early Girls, Lemon Boys, and some heritage seeds: Black Krims, Purple Russians (From my friend Judy K) and giant red New Zealand tomato seeds (from Lori, my son-in-law's mother.) I planted 2 pots of each variety as well as some "red Hats" (beefsteaks, I think) from Grocery store tomatoes. The Early Girls were the first to germinate!

Tomato seedlings

I also planted 2 pots of lavatara seeds. Last year the lavataras did well from seed, but were rather slow to bloom so I thought I would plant them as early as possible....

Tomato, squash and flower seedlings have sprouted as well as a Viola gladiola bulb (on left)

On April 7 I planted more flower seeds, Morning Glory (Ipomoea), Bunny Tails (lagurus ovatis) Castor beans, (Ranunculus), Bachelor Buttons, Cosmos and red Durango Marigolds, mostly from seeds that I had collected last fall.

April 9 I finally had time to plant my squashes and as usual I got a bit carried away... :)
I planted 8 spaghetti squashes, 6 acorn squashes, 6 butternut and 6 sweet dumplings. So far only the acorn squash has sprouted.... But I see there is one spaghetti Squash breaking the surface! :)

Such an exciting time... except for all the continual watering.

Phalaenopsis orchid (moth orchid) on left and tuberous begonia.  (Umbrella tree and snake plant in back ground)