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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Slow but Sure!

The tulips in my flower bed next to the house are about 5 inches tall now.... Shouldn't be too much longer before they get buds, and then, finally start blooming! YAY!

Tulip clumps on right and left... Campanula Bell flower perennial in centre

The Campanula Bell flower is sprouting everywhere in that same bed!  Time to thin them out a bit but I hate to deter anything that has that much energy to be growing already, LOL!

Oriental Poppy

Tulips, front left; hollyhocks, centre back;Bearded iris back right: Rododendron left near bottom
My hollyhocks are coming out of the ground, too (centre back of photo.) The Rododendron looks a mite worse for the wear! It was hiding under a bunch of mulch during the winter and looks pretty crushed. I planted it last year for the first time and I'm not sure if I need to trim it right back or if new leaves will sprout out of the existing branches... (Guess I need to look that up on the internet. My trusty Lois Hole books don't mention rododendrons.)

My oriental poppy has a head start on most of my other perennials. It gets huge pink single petal blooms that are very impressive looking, but they only last a day or so.  After blooming the whole plant usually dies down to nothing so I plant annuals in front of it.

More tulips, irises and a hollyhock. Well, yes, they are still pretty tiny, but considering we had snow again a few days ago and really have not had much sunshine or warm temperatures lately, I'm pretty impressed with them. :)

This is the only little wild crocus that I could find at the top of Picnic Hill yesterday (at the edge of our property.) Last week ( before the last snowfall) there was a brave ittle clump of them there, but I could NOT find them. Maybe they finished blooming already??? Did the deer eat them? (The deer bed down up there almost every night.)

There were quite a number of wild crocus leaves there which should be sprouting flowers soon...

Can you see the deer hiding in the background?

Our baby spruces seemed to have survived the winter without getting chewed up by any woodland creatures. My diligent husband did put wire cages around them to protect them. Last winter (2010) with no protection one of the littlest spruces got most of its branches eaten off, most likely by the deer, but it could have been porcupines, too.

Some of my flower beds are still pretty wet and soggy, but I saw during my garden 'tour' yesterday that the quack grass has already started sneaking it. Many of the flower beds need some major clean up done soon, even though I did do a huge amount of fall clean up...
I wish the sun would come out and join me. It's always so much more enjoyable to be out in the garden with the sun to warm your back. :)

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