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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Spring 2011

Officially spring arrived 10 days ago, but one would never guess by looking out of the window. We just survived 10 days of snow and bitter unseasonably cold weather!   We have so much snow it's unreal!!!  It did start to melt mid month, but after 3 days, it took a turn for the worse.
Thankfully the temperatures have been above zero for two days now and the sun has decided she has neglected us long enough! :)  The snow has been melting a noticeable amount each day. We still have 2 Christmas reindeer (with white mini lights) frozen in the snow in the yard and I can see more and more of them each day.  keep up the good work Mother Nature. Tomorrow in the first of April after all!

The excessive amount of snow and cold has been hard on the deer. They have been fighting amongst themselves over the sunflower seeds at the bird feeder.  They got so hungry that one of the deer broke 5 out of 6 of the plastic windows in out hexagonal bird feeder! The snow was so high that I saw 2 different deer standing up on their hind legs and balancing while they licked the seeds out of the broken sides of the feeder!

The next time we went to town, we bought a huge bag of oats and I have been spreading some on the snow at the end of the deer trails.  At first the deer would munch a mouthful and then walk away. They were more interested in the black oiled sunflower seeds at the bird feeder, something familiar, I suppose. After a few days though, the oats started disappearing. The deer still seem to like pieces of apples the best though. A bag of apples is cheap, about $3.00 around here. Makes me feel like I'm doing something even if it isn't much. Might make a difference between an empty belly and a slightly full one. :)

We saw 3 Canada geese flying over head 2 weeks ago before the ugly weather hit. I wonder how they managed to survive. Today I saw 4 pairs of geese standing on the snow on the lake. Everything is still covered with at least 18 inches of snow and I wonder how they knew that there was even a lake there!

Red cactus dahlias with a touch of frost last Sept. 2010

Now for the beginnings of gardening:
This week I checked my cactus dahlias and canna lily roots that I have been over wintering in paper bags in the laundry room and one of the dahlias had started to sprout already, the Firebird dahlia! It gets beautiful gold and orange blossoms late in the summer. Three out of four of my tuberous begonia tubers have also sprouted, so I potted up the whole works, 3 dahlias, 2 canna lilies and the 3 begonias.

Firebird Dahlia
The other 2 dahlias are a gorgeous deep red cactus dahlia which I have had for about 8 years now! I grew them in a pot when we lived in northern Manitoba and each fall I brought the whole pot in the house to over winter. Then in the spring when it started sprouting in the pot, I began watering it and then would put it outside again once the danger of frost as over.  I brought the whole pot here when we moved in 2006.  In the summer of 2007 I divided the tubers and planted 2 separate plants in my flower beds. They always did beautifully well!

red cactus dahlia brought from Thompson, MB

One of the canna lilies is called Crimson beauty and the other is King Humbert. So far they don't show any signs of life, but time will tell.

As far as the begonias go, I think they are all yellow, but I can't remember exactly.  Guess I should check in my garden journal to see if I wrote it down. Otherwise it'll just be a pleasant surprise!

Next week's plan:  plant my black Krim tomatoe seeds and maybe a few of the flower seeds...