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Sunday, August 30, 2020

One of My Favourite Months

July 2020


Where has July gone!? Here it is August already but I feel like it should still be June. 
The summer is whizzing by far too fast. My garden is looking wonderful and we have been getting an inordinate amount of rain this summer. Rather nice that Mother Nature is helping out with the constant watering needs of 7 flower beds, 14 deck pots of flowers, and 12 large pots outside the greenhouse filled with tomatoes,  zucchini, squash and pepper.  We also have 2 raised veg beds as well as the squashes, potatoes and swiss chard in the ground  so watering/ pulling weeds is a large part of the day.

So pleased to finally see my tiger lilies bloom. 

Pink frilly dianthus and daisies

I love the frilly dianthus that was one of the first perennials to show growth this spring. I bought it as an annual but decided to try planting it in a flower bed last fall.

Maltese Cross July 21

 A lot of Maltese cross plants this year compared to last, and they look so wonderful when they bloom.  The hummers and butterflies love them.

My morden rose was slow to grow this year and the bus were slow to develop compared to other years but there were multiple buds on most branches so I pinched off the smaller ones, but the flowers are still smaller than my other rose bushes. Very pretty though! :)

John Davis rose

My poor John Davis rose had such a hard winter. It had to come back from the roots and in mid July it finally had some buds. 
(Now in late August it looks magnificent! As long as we get some frost first in Sept. to start the roses in the shutting down process for winter, they will hopefully fare better next spring.)

Cranesbill perennial geraniums

I had a lot of Cranesbill perennial Geraniums that had self seeded this year, but they are ealy bloomers so it was nice to get their pretty purple flowers.  After blooming I tried to keep on top of cutting them back to prevent reseeding.

Sweet Peas

My sweet peas were slow to grow but they finally set buds and this little Majestic Giant one was the first to bloom in late July.

Zinnia annuals grown from seed

Zinnias are so easy to grow from seeds. They are one that I start in the early spring indoors, then transfer to my greenhouse, along with Cosmos and Lavatara.

July is usually when my garden is the most beautiful. This year I would say it was about 2 weeks later but still well worth all the weeding, watering and trimming back that has to happen to keep a garden happy and in check. 

Julia Rose peony July 18/2020

Gladiola started from bulbs in April, blooming in July 

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