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Thursday, June 25, 2020

Garden Greenery May 20 - 25/ 2020

Slow growth due to the chilly nights but its coming along!

Pear trees blooming May 18

Parkland Plums blooming May 20/20

Crabapple blossoms blooming May 26/20

Stargazers Mother's day gift May  18/20
May 21/20

Saskatoons start blooming May 21 

Rock garden May 22/20

Spaghetti squash from seed May 22

My spaghetti squashes have outdone themselves for growth and flowers. 

Plants that were over wintered sunk into ground in Vegetable Garden:
1. Morden Belle rose bush- took a while to show any life but is slowly coming along.
2. Clematis Jackimanii Superba came up with time and was planted in the side of house bed in June to replace dead Ville de Lyon. Have not had any luck with Ville de Lyon living more than one or two years.
(Note to self: STOP buying them! )
3. Peony Alex Fleming (which I gave to my daughter Renae for her new flower beds.)
4. Lavender which started growing right away! It is called ...... Hidcote Blue
It is rated to -40F so this is the first time I have successfully overwintered a lavender here in east central AB! :)
5. Mojito mint which has been over wintered this way for the 3rd year. :)
6. Reed grass did not survive. 

May 25 I planted the 2 wooden tubs at the bottom of the deck stairs. (Photos to follow)


John Davis Rose bush May 26/20 

Pond and Veg raised beds
Veg garden

Morning Glories grown from seeds 

May 29/2020
ROSES - Lots of winter kill this year, sadly...

Round bed- John Davis Rose.
Most of the stems are dead halfway up or completely. There are a few tiny shoots showing signs of life (late May) but the rodents obviously had a hayday all winter long feasting on the stems. :(
the bottom 12 inches or so of most of the stems has had the bark completely gnawed off! ~

Note to self: How do you prevent this from happenong again this coming winter? If I dont wrap it at all will it deter the mice for chewing on it or is that a certain death for the rose bush???
Can I spray dormant oil or Bobbex on it before mulching it in October???

Stackstone Bed
Morden Ruby- Lots of dead stems but one or two at the bottom (horizontal to the ground) are still viable and had the first leave bud.  It is growing well now ( June) after a very slow start.

Morden Centennial- Same story as the Ruby, slow to show signs of life ;(but is looking great by mid June.) This is one of my favourite rose bushes as it always blooms twice each summer, a beautiful medium pink colour with nice sized flowers.

The above 3 bushes are usually thriving by now and the last 2 years it as neck on neck between the Centennial and John Davis who would bloom first. (Three years ago it was Ruby. )

Never Alone Rose-  strangely enough it survived 2 years ago sunk into the ground in the veg garden with NO mulch and NO wrapping. Last summer I planted it in my Stackstone bed to replace my defunct Morden Blush.  (My blush lived about 12 years so i was very pleased with that but in the last 2 years Blush was barely growing and not many blooms on it.)

Karl Rosenfeld rose- Side of house bed. Karl was slow to grow last year and really never did thrive in that spot. This year it is definitely dead and I replaced in with  a small pink Theresa Bugnet rose bush from Home Depot. As soon as I planted her I started seeing growth. I did put a lot of blood and bone meal in the soil around it but did the same for all roses and only this one really took off.

Note to self: Water Theresa B frequently. This is a dry bed so not really the best for roses although my Hansa rose in that bed always thrives and is monstrous!  It must be about 16 or 18 years old now. It predated our move here in 2006, as quite big already then.

Bergenia still blooming  May 26/20

Double flowering plum 

Pasque Flowers still blooming 

Parkland Nurseries had some beautiful early blooming Russian Almond bushes O I bought 2, one for my daughter and one for myself. I love that it will bloom so early. I just hope that it will get enough sunlight at the west end of the round bed.

Russian Almond shrub Zone 3 

Tree Swallow 

Saskatoon Bush nearby is full of blossoms

So May has zipped by and it was a lovely month although cooler than many previous Mays. 

Crossing my fingers that June, July and Aug will go slower, (but not likley.) :)
Happy Gardening!

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