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Saturday, May 11, 2013

May 11, 2013

May 11, 2013

First daffodil bloomed today! Beat the tulips which are almost ready to pop open now. Considering it's almost the middle of May, that is about 10 days behind, but our spring has been very slow in coming this year....
But our weather has suddenly turned HOT and windy! What happened to a nice warm spring day like 18 to 20C???
We have a fire ban on here at the lake right now because everything is so dry, even though our snow only just melted about 8 or 10 days ago.

Went to the Plant Swap in town today and brought a lot of my perennial diggings to give away, many purple and white bearded irises, a Siberian iris, 3 maltese cross, a blue sage/ May Night (which 3 women split), a tiny white daisy (only 1 for a change), 3 helianthus/ false sunflowers (which diligent husband helped me dig up last night) and 3 wild rose bushes. I ended up bringing home 2 tiny mountain ash trees, and 2 rock garden plants, a sedum that the owner called 'rat tails' and one which she thinks is a Pink, called Flashing Lights. Also got a small delphinium ( dark purple) which looks rather limp, but maybe it will make it. Only one of my delphiniums are showing any signs of life right now, so I thought I might have to plant a couple of new ones...

2 sedums 'Autumn Joy'

I planted two 10 inch sedums called Autumn Joy in my lower rock garden as well as some of the bearded irises that I had dug out last week when we had re-constructed it.  The top level got the Pink and the small sedum that I had mentioned as well as two yellow flowering short sedums that I had recently bought. And along the way I dug out more grass roots. (THAT never seems to come to an end!)

In regards to the Helianthus, it was so terribly overgrown with grass that my helpful husband and I dug it all out of the middle of my angel bed. Much of it went in the low area of our yard next to what I call the 'ravine' (the environmental reserve.)  I replanted about 30 % of  the Helianthus in the middle of the same bed. Also accidentally dug up my Baby's Breath, which I then moved further into the middle away from the Foxglove (which shows no sign of coming up...  )  :(

Angel bed perennials are making a showing

Angel Bed perennials are coming up fast: Monkshoods, lupines, tiger lilies, Calamagrostis grasses, Jacob's ladders, delphiniums and Maltese crosses. Even my blanket flower, which is usually so slow has made an appearance.  My peony tree has a sprout on the stem and maybe this is the year that it will grow big enough to bloom. (In previous years it was always dwarfed by the faster growing perennials.)

My Bleeding Heart is finally sprouting in my triangle bed and my biggest peony, the pink one under the spruce tree at the side of the yard has shoots coming up! Yay! I love May!!! It is so exciting to see all the new growth. :)

Rock garden had a facelift to get rid of all the tall quack grass

Some bad news about my tomato plants; A number of my little seedlings had dried up when I got back from visiting my daughter...  :(
Diligent husband didn't notice that they were getting too much sun in the green house. The temperatures in there have been reaching over 40C what with this crazy summer type of hot weather we are getting.  I only have one surviving new Zealand Tomato. :(  Lost all the rest as well as a few Black Krim and Purple Russian heirloom tomatoes. The Early Girls are doing well, though (Still have lots of them!)  But even with incuring a few losses, I still have more than enough tomatoes.

The squashes will need to be planted outside in the garden soon. They are getting very big and require water twice a day now. Diligent husband added peat moss and pro-mix soil to the vegetable garden and  then rototilled it all. After that he planted hills of seed potatoes.

Now I need to go through my seed packages and start planting carrots, beets, lettuce, spinach and swiss chard. The seed tapes seem to grow the best. May try to grow radishes as well although they don't do well because of the high PH of our soil. The peat moss should help, but I don't really know how much to add to make a difference.  May just try growing some radishes in a big pot on the deck instead. :)

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