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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Weeding Day

Yesterday was weeding day!  I'm ashamed to admit that there were an astronomical amount of weeds in the vegetable garden.  We usually put grass clippings in between the rows to keep down the weeds, but we had so many dandelions this year that we were reluctant to use that grass, so the weeds went wild!

We finally got another huge 900 pound bag of poplar mulch from the"Mulch People" but the weeds needed to be removed first. My helpful husband and I spent a considerable amount of time on our knees hoeing the chickweed at close range and removing as much of it as possible. It amazes me how resilient some weeds are! Even a tiny root of chickweed left behind in the soil and it will sprout up again!

It gave me a good chance to see up close how much some things have grown! The potatoes are growing well as well as the tomatoe plants and the spaghetti squash plants. The zucchinis are still very tiny and I don't know if they will amount to much. The rhubarb plants are HUGE!  I have made a pan of rhubarb squares, 2 rhubarb crisps, 3 strawberry rhubarb pies and today I made another pie, a rhubarb crumble which will be for dessert tomorrow when our friends come for dinner.  There is still loads of it left! Good thing I like rhubarb! I'm going to make some jam early next week.

We actually got our first red tomato off one of the plants and had our first feed of swiss chard and spinach in a salad at supper yesterday evening!

After weeding was done, I spread the pile of grass clippings around as many of the rows as I could and the whole vegetable garden looks so much neater now.  It's not completely weed free, there are still some around the strawberry plants, but over all it looks 98% better. 

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