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Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Dear Deer and my Flower Beds

Wow! Just noticed that I have had 199 'hits' on my blog! But rarely a comment... hmmm ... does that mean everyone agrees with everything I say!??  Lol!
More likely, they wander through inadvertently and so really don't stop to read it....   But no worries, I am writing this thing for myself anyway. Kind of like a diary, I guess; one where you don't mind if other people read it! No lock and key like on the one I had as a teenager. (And really, what huge earth shattering secrets did that one contain anyway!) This diary (blog) is sort of a journal for me to keep track of my gardening experiences through a whole season of gardening.
On the other hand, maybe this blog is really not a good idea. What if I realize when it's done in the fall what a HUGE amount of work gardening actually is, and what if I decide to give up gardening?!!

Nah, can't see it!

Winter deer

The deer have been staying away from my flower beds which is a first, but I think it might have something to do with the new things in the yard. The wire fence around the veg. garden and also all the sheets and towels draped over various vulnerable plants  to protect them against the frost  almost every night for 9 days straight, which hasn't happened in past springs since we've been here. Deer are very wary of new things in their environment, but they get used to new things quite quickly, so I knew I would be pushing my luck if I didn't do something soon to protect the tender green shoots of the lilies  which had sprouted and especially the bedding plants which I was putting out.

Last evening I mixed a cup of the dry Plantskydd powder I had left over from last year with a litre of water and funneled it into a spray bottle. Then I went outside to spray some of my "Deerlicious" plants.

(Did I mention what a messy job it is trying to mix this stuff?  It gets all kind of lumpy and the dry reddish powder floats on the top of the water even as you try to mix it well. I diluted it a bit after that because it seemed to be far too thick and kept getting stuck in the funnel. After I have used up all the Plantskydd powder in the box, I think I will buy the ready mixed spray bottle of Plantskydd instead. A little more expensive, but far less hassle.)

There are pros and cons to using this product:
Pros:  It works! The deer stay away from anything that has been sprayed with Plantskydd. It also doesn't wash off with rain or when you water the plants. It doesn't harm the plants. And it lasts over 3 months! Last summer was the first summer that the deer did not eat my lilies and I actually got to see them bloom and enjoy them!

Cons:  Don't spray it if it is windy at all. It will blow everywhere and on everything. (But it doesn't hurt the plants). When you first apply it, it leaves a reddish brown residue on all the leaves and flower petals. Rather unsightly to say the least.  Also my dog is attracted to the smell of it and was following me around smelling all the plants.  Humans can't smell it unless it gets old, then, believe me, it is putrid! (But you can keep it in the fridge for up to 4 days to use later.) Another 'con' is that you need to reapply it to all the new growth of the plants.

Last year's Gazanias

Got quite a lot of plants in the ground today, 8 blue convolvulous vines, 5 calendulas, 8 gazanias (which I love) some tall Ribbon Snapdragons, and some dark blue pansies.  I finished off the vegetable garden planting 3 zucchini squashes and the spinach seeds now that I finally got some.  And of course I watered all of them.

The mosquitos are what finally drove me indoors! They are tiny this spring, but they have a huge bite! The bites itch for 4 or 5 days running and applying SSSTing Stop only gives temporary relief.
I find myself scratching in my sleep!  I hate the idea of spraying Deet on myself so I use a citronella spray which has a more pleasing fragrance. Only problem is that it only lasts about an hour and then you have to remember to reapply it, (emphasis on "remember"). But my plants are safe from the deer.... for now! :)

Phoenix and Spirit my garden helpers

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