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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

June Flowers

The weather has been cooperating lately with a fait amount of sunny beautiful days but also some rain showers in between to water the flower beds and veggie garden.

Tulips blooming and lilies growing

The tulips continue to bloom strangely enough, LOL! I guess I had planted a few late spring bloomers too so it has been a steady progression of tulips in bloom for over a month now. Quite nice!
The Siberian irises are also in bloom and looking great, at least eh established clump in my rock garden is. The newly transplanted clump in last years newest bed is only a few inches above the ground. But at least it did survive the winter.

Siberian Iris

My bleeding heart bush is looking fabulous for this being only it's second growing season. My old one in my wild bed doesn't seem to be coming up at all. I think all the grass and daisies and 'wildness' has choked it out.

Another failure: my Arizona Sun Guillardias seem to have bit the dust. :(  They were usually late in coming up, but were such proficient bloomers once they got going... and I love that they blossom all summer!
Deck pot: Osteo daisies, pansies and Diamond Frost euphorbia

 My Goblin/ Kobold Guillardia is doing well where I transplanted it last fall at the far end of my long perennial bed. It has made an earlier than usual appearance of leaves, but is still far from the blooming stage.  I plan on visiting the greenhouse again soon and getting another Arizona sun if possible.

New additions:
I bought an angel wing ligularia at a reputable greenhouse so I hope this one grows better than the one I bought at a department store last summer (which didn't survive the winter.)

My Lambs Ears also failed to make an appearance this spring. Last year they looked the best they have ever done. I had difficulty finding any replacements at first, but I was lucky on Sunday. We visited Echo Glen Greenhouse and they kindly yanked 2 Lambs Ear roots out of their own flower beds for me cost free. (I guess they were re-doing their beds and were taking them out anyway, but I appreciated the thoughtfulness.) They are now situated next to the ligularia in the shady side of my stack stone bed, not too far from the brown-leafed Heuchera also a new addition.

Lilacs just started blooming in my yard

I checked one of my gardening books and it says that both Guillardias and Lambs Ears are short lived perennials. Three years is about their limit for the adult plants, but if you let them go to seed they should start new young ones. The mulch may have deterred that from happening though...

My lilacs just started blooming a few days ago. The lilac bushes were already blooming over 2 weeks ago in Winnipeg. (Lucky them!) I love the heady smell and I wish they would bloom all summer! :)
My little Miss Kim Lilac is full of buds and they should be opening soon...

My rose bushes are filling out well and I must remember to put some bone meal into the soil around them this week. Should have done that already.

Orange Gazanias

The deck pots are slowing getting planted and looking really beautiful. I have 4 new half wine barrels in the yard and I finally got all of them planted as well as the old ones by the road. Have to remember to take some photos soon. :)

Mauve Osteo daisies, white geranium, white lobelia and purple angelonia (on left)

I love these pretty pansy faces! :D

Pesky varmints have been sneaking into the vegetable garden and helping themselves to the Swiss Chard growing there. My busy husband put a ayer of chicken wire around the bottom of the fence on the inside and then put a 2 by 4 under the gate to block the big opening there (where I suspect the marmots have been waltzing through with no difficulty.)  Spirit chases them every chance she gets but they quickly run into the huge Juniper bushes in the yard where she can't touch them.

Surprise apple tree
We always wondered what the little tree in the backyard was. It suddenly burst out with white blossoms all over it for the first time in 5 years! Go figure...

The rhubarb is gigantic and today I cut the seed heads off and cut a big bowl of rhubarb to make some squares. Time to go try out the fruits of my labour! :)

Creeping phlox in full bloom at the edges of the flower beds

Next project: hoeing the chickweed and there little seedling trying to disguise themselves as veggies.

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